
The idea of Electronic Music shows in Timisoara has been haunting us since 2018. Three lovers of Electronic music, Eng. Adrian Chifu, Prof. Adrian Bancu and Eng. Ioan-Silviu Ioan, have decided to lay down the foundations of the SPACERS Cultural Association and produce special events to support this musical genre which, despite being quite popular, is less visible in Romania



On November 18, 2018, exactly two years ago, we presented the Spacers projects in a  meeting at Helion Club.  Electrostation would mark an event, two years after the launch of the new association.


Adrian Chifu came with a lot of experience, he was a organiser, with Urban Experience, of the TM Base festival. He coming with musical and artistic ideas, graphics and even SciFi film.

In 2019 we started with an event: we celebrated the jubilee of the first step of man on the Moon, through the Mooniverse festival.

Lasershow & electronic audio-visual concert, on stage: Adrian Chifu and  V.A.G.

Then I only managed to complete the documents for the cultural association, which was a challenge in Timisoara. Elsewhere or not there would have been no problems, but I benefited from the darkest „season” or negative astral conjunctures at the Tribunal. It lasted a year!

In 2020, everything was frozen by quarantines, emergencies, alerts, and all the cutlery. It was not beneficial for culture and art. The 40th anniversary of the Helion anniversary event has been canceled.

We had to invent online events. Contacts with electronic music creators have diversified, with fans and musicians grouping on various portals and social groups. A good thing, because the news circulates in this environment almost at the speed of light. The luckiest ones also get funding for live events, on the field, but most of them have not reached shows with „classic” editing. The idea of ​​live meetings and presentations came naturally. If we can no longer create events on the ground, we create them on the internet.




For the first meeting between the creators and consumers of electronic music, we invited three musicians from abroad and one from Romania, close by their creation like the Berlin School of Electronic Music (BSM). This style was opened in the 70s and 80s by the members of Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, followed by others. The members of the bands also had successful solo careers, being noticed especially Edgar Froese and Manuel Gὄttsching. In the UK they were represented by Radio Massacre International and in the US by Michael Garrison. Even Pink Floyd turned with Pompeii’s album to the psychedelic current and BSM, using synthesizers.

Michael Brückner is the first guest from Mainz, Germany. He has been composing ambient music since 1992 and has an impressive and diverse track record of over 100 albums. She talked about her work, then described what is called the Berlin School of Electronic Music, recalling its leaders in the 70s and 80s. The trigger for him was Klaus Schulze’s album Mirage.

He prepared, especially for this meeting, a short film with examples from his creation.

We also selected a passage from one of his „very SF” albums. With images by British graphic designer Chris Foss and an obvious influence by Jean Michel Jarre, suspected since the French title, L’Etoile Inconnue, from the album „R is for Rocket and S is for Space”.

„When I start a composition, creation is an act that is more about improvisation, the structures” grow „while I work,” says Michael Brückner.

I saw that Michael Brückner as a passionate reader of SF, according to some titles of his compositions.

He confessed to us that he also writes SF, that’s why we invited him to read to us in one of the next meetings.

A passage from his musical presentation is given in more detail here:

He recently celebrated his birthday, on December 6, that’s why I wished him a warm Happy Birthday.

I also congratulated Sequentia Legenda, the stage name of Laurent Schieber, from France, who celebrated his 55th birthday with a video presenting his creation, in English.

Here is the version with Romanian translation, which he prepared together with us, for electronic music listeners from Romania.


He lives in a beautiful sub-mountain area in eastern France and has been creating electronic music since 2014. He also enjoyed meeting Michael Brückner at an event where they performed a live concert at a festival.

He began his adventure of musical fulfillment with the song Fly Over Me, from the Blue Dream album, , starting with the first of the 8 albums he has made so far. For him, music is a form of expression of the soul, of the spirit, which comes from the heart and carries messages of love and hope. „BSM music is a form that comes from within, from the heart, which differs according to the spirituality and sensitivity of each artist.” he told us. „I don’t have a rule for composing music. But yes, the inspiration for me comes spontaneously, and the images in the Cosmos inspire me, influence me when I build the titles ”.

Andrea Michele Vincenti was the third guest, but unfortunately could not attend the meeting.

Born in 1978, he lives in central Italy, in Lecce, near Bari. He is an Italian keyboardist, guitarist, producer and arranger of ambient and space music. He is also a writer and director of an art group called Orpheus. He has made soundtracks for movies, short films, and his music is used by youtubers of different nationalities, from all continents. Andrea Michele Vincenti has distinguished herself in the field of classical electronic music, New Age, in 2012, when she released the album „Luce” and then „Olden Golden Powder”. Promoter of avant-garde art and music, he promoted his creation through his own production and publishing house, AMV Records. He is married to Anna Liuzzi, who is a visual artist and graphic artist.

We selected some pieces for the theme of this meeting: Planando – Gliding:

Interstellar Beam:

Antkuano – – a Hawaiian word.

The next guest is Mihai Adrian Simion, almost with the same first name as his predecessor presented here, known in the music world by his nonconformist and provocative pseudonym, Alba Ecstasy. He is from Bucharest and in his last 20 years of activity he has produced almost 140 albums of ambient and spatial music, which can be included in the Berlin School of Electronic Music. He has a rich record of collaborations with music producers, with synthesizer production companies, making presentations, patches, sound bases for musicians and companies, with a successful career in the world of synthesizers.

The passage presented is The Long Way to Mars. The inner world presented is a calm world, but full of dangers.

Passionate about the cosmos, science, he is interested in the novelties in the musical, technological, gnoseological field, reflected in his creations.

We are also waiting for his literary creations for Helion magazine!

Away from home, among the stars and galaxies:

Adrian Chifu is well known to you for his literary creation, SciFi, for his graphic art from the pages of several SF magazines. His talent exceeding the „borders” of the Helion club and having orders for various SF magazines. He was appreciated for his experimental achievements of SF film, in conditions of talented amateur, and the music is also made like a hobby, coming from dance-electronic, in a way that „plays” and is re-created intelligently, himself.

Science, scientific knowledge, but also research at the limits of knowledge are his fields of first interest, where his inspirations take the form of structures, colors but also musical, rhythmic, environmental alignments. The universe has a logic for it, things are arranged in clear laws, with a meaning, with a direction, even if it is dystopian, entropic, in some of its visions. There are signals that MAN has two destinies in front of him, always at his „arbitrary” choice. The meaning in development, exploration, adaptation, or to the entropic one, of self-destruction, under the influence of the demons that haunt it.


Some of the conclusions drawn from the discussions that followed the musical presentations were also inserted in the text above.

The recording of the meeting is starting today on the youtube channel Spacers.